Hi, I'm Mary.
I am the owner, maker, and designer behind Reclaimed Maine Co.
Growing up in Maine, I’ve always been part of an outdoorsy family, with an appreciation for nature and everything it has to offer. Moving into my mid-to-late 20s, I made some big life changes, and with that, reclaimed my love for the outdoors. Falling in love with the Maine woods and coast all over again, reconnecting with myself, and taking every opportunity to explore, adventure and fly fish new places.
Reclaimed Maine Co. encompasses my love for the Maine Outdoors. Using lakes, pines and coastlines as my inspiration, I custom design and hand make all of our products in hopes that they can inspire exploration and give back to Maine's environment.
To me, 'Reclaimed' embodies a journey to find what brings you joy as well as my sustainable mission: a commitment to sourcing eco-conscious materials, with hopes of protecting the places we love to explore most.
For more information on our sustainability story, visit here.